Our team

We want working with the Invalda INVL group to be easy and reliable. Our investments are looked after by more than 35 experienced investment professionals. Some of them have grown and developed with us and have taken part in the most important deals in the company’s history. Others joined us with global experience and continue to grow their expertise together with INVL.

Each of our investment strategies and asset classes is managed by a dedicated team of specialists in that area whose dedication and professionalism ensure that the investment decisions we make create value for our clients.

Alongside our investment professionals there are legal, finance, process, communication and other specialists who ensure funds’ operational, administrative and oversight functions.


Darius Šulnis
Darius Šulnis

Chairman of the Board

Over 30 years of experience in private equity and M&A

Darius Šulnis
Darius Šulnis

Chairman of the Board

Over 30 years of experience in private equity and M&A

He started his career as Managing Director of Finasta, a financial intermediary. Since 1994, he has been one of the pioneers in investing in the Baltic stock market. He joined the Invalda INVL Group in 1998 and became CEO of Invalda INVL in 2006. Darius has more than 30 years of experience in building and managing leading businesses in their respective fields, executing M&A and divestment transactions, attracting investments, and working with strategic and financial investors.

He has been a member of more than 40 boards and supervisory boards. Together with Invalda INVL’s local and foreign investment partners, he has completed acquisitions and divestments, capital-raising transactions with a total value of more than EUR 2 billion.

MBA from Duke University (USA), MBA in Accounting and Auditing from Vilnius University (Lithuania), Faculty of Economics (economist qualification).

Vytautas Plunksnis
Vytautas Plunksnis

Member of the Board, Head of the Private Equity

Over 20 years of experience in private equity and M&A

Vytautas Plunksnis
Vytautas Plunksnis

Member of the Board, Head of the Private Equity

Over 20 years of experience in private equity and M&A

Started his career as financial analyst at the first Lithuanian online brokerage Jusu Tarpininkas in 1999. In 2002 he became a business journalist and since 2004 was Editor in Chief, Business Desk, Lithuanian News Agency ELTA. His career in asset management started in 2006 as an analyst and fund manager in Finasta Asset Management (Invalda INVL’s portfolio company). Since 2009 until 2016 he was an Investment Manager at Invalda INVL and since 2016 – the Head of Private Equity and a Member of the Management Board at INVL Asset Management. He has successfully implemented over 10 deals with a total value of c. EUR 250 million and has served on the boards of 20+ portfolio companies.

Currently is a Chairman of the Investor’s Association in Lithuania.

Holds Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.

Asta Jovaišienė
Asta Jovaišienė

Member of the Board, Head of INVL Family Office

Over 17 years of experience in financial markets, including 11 years in managing positions

Asta Jovaišienė
Asta Jovaišienė

Member of the Board, Head of INVL Family Office

Over 17 years of experience in financial markets, including 11 years in managing positions

She started her career in 2006 as an investment consultant at Finasta, a financial intermediary company. Since 2013, she has been Head of the Wealth Management Department of Bank Finasta. In 2015 Asta became the CEO and Member of the Board of INVL Financial Advisors, the financial brokerage company that operates under the brand name INVL Family Office. She is also currently a member of Supervisory Board of INVL Asset Management in Latvia.

Holds Master’s degree in Economics (Economist qualification), Faculty of Economics, Vilnius University, Lithuania.

Audrius Matikiūnas
Audrius Matikiūnas

Interim CEO

Audrius Matikiūnas
Audrius Matikiūnas

Interim CEO

Audrius, who is currently the interim CEO of INVL Asset Management, is also the company’s Head of Business Development. He is actively involved in several of the company’s Investment Committees as well. Since 2016, Audrius has held positions within INVL Asset Management related to new product and business development at that and other Invalda INVL group companies. Previously, he served in legal and compliance roles at SEB Bank and Finasta Bank.

Audrius holds a master’s degree in law from Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania.


Greta Ališauskienė
Greta Ališauskienė

Administration Manager, „INVL Technology“

Ieva Augustinaitė
Ieva Augustinaitė

Head of Analysis and Valuation

Agnė Austytė
Agnė Austytė

Accountant of Alternative Funds

Birutė Bagdanavičienė
Birutė Bagdanavičienė

Chief Accountant

Julius Bajer
Julius Bajer

Analyst, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Vytautas Bakšinskas
Vytautas Bakšinskas

Real Estate Fund Manager, „INVL Baltic Real Estate“

Alvydas Banys
Alvydas Banys

Senior Advisor, Shareholder

Agnė Bareikienė
Agnė Bareikienė

Marketing Project Manager

Sigita Bizulienė
Sigita Bizulienė

Fund Partner, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Milda Braškutė
Milda Braškutė

HR Business partner

Domantas Bubelė
Domantas Bubelė

Forester, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Justas Bučelis
Justas Bučelis

Senior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Sigita Budrienė
Sigita Budrienė

Project Manager, „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“

Gailė Butėnaitė-Lapienienė
Gailė Butėnaitė-Lapienienė

Asset manager, „INVL Baltic Real Estate“

Gytis Činčius
Gytis Činčius

Senior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Simonas Daukintis
Simonas Daukintis

Senior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Andrius Daukšas
Andrius Daukšas

Investment Manager, „INVL Baltic Real Estate“

Vytenis Deltuvas
Vytenis Deltuvas

Junior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Justina Dilytė
Justina Dilytė

Alternative Fund Coodinator

Nerijus Drobavičius
Nerijus Drobavičius

Private Equity Partner, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Anželika Dubauskienė
Anželika Dubauskienė

Executive Assistant to the Member of the Board

Gabrielė Gimbutaitė
Gabrielė Gimbutaitė

Fund Operations Manager, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Meinardas Grinius
Meinardas Grinius

Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Justė Gumovskienė
Justė Gumovskienė

Land Investment Manager, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Anželika Karmaza
Anželika Karmaza

HR Business Partner

Gustė Klumbokaitė
Gustė Klumbokaitė

Alternative Fund Coordinator

Deimantė Korsakaitė
Deimantė Korsakaitė

Managing Partner, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“, „Private Equity Fund II“

Antonas Kostinas
Antonas Kostinas

Alternative Investment Manager

Kamilė Kvedaraitė
Kamilė Kvedaraitė

Investment Accounting Specialist

Mindaugas Lankas
Mindaugas Lankas

Group Chief Financial Officer

Vytenis Lazauskas
Vytenis Lazauskas

Group Chief Risk Manager

Marius Lepeška
Marius Lepeška

Senior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Liudas Liutkevičius
Liudas Liutkevičius

Fund Managing Partner, „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“

Vincas Lukšas
Vincas Lukšas

Investment Manager, „INVL Bridge Finance“

Greta Makaraitytė
Greta Makaraitytė

Chief Legal Officer

Gabrielė Maliauskaitė
Gabrielė Maliauskaitė

Administration Project Manager

Audrius Matikiūnas
Audrius Matikiūnas

Chief Operating Officer

Viktorija Melnik
Viktorija Melnik

Alternative Fund Coordinator

Paulius Mikalkėnas
Paulius Mikalkėnas

Forester, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Gintaras Montrimavičius
Gintaras Montrimavičius

Forest Investment Manager, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Jokūbas Nenartavičius
Jokūbas Nenartavičius

Junior Analyst, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Vaida Norušaitė
Vaida Norušaitė

Head of Group HR and Administration

Audrius Pagojus
Audrius Pagojus

Head of Forestry Works, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Tadas Petkevičius
Tadas Petkevičius

Investment Manager, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Paulina Plauškaitė
Paulina Plauškaitė


Vytautas Plunksnis
Vytautas Plunksnis

Member of the Board, Head of the Private Equity

Rugilė Poniškaitytė
Rugilė Poniškaitytė

Administrative assistant

Bogdan-Anton Radu
Bogdan-Anton Radu

Forest Specialist, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Neringa Radžiūnienė
Neringa Radžiūnienė

AML/Sanctions Compliance Officer

Inga Riabovaitė
Inga Riabovaitė

Deputy Group CFO

Justas Riauba
Justas Riauba

Group Chief Investment Officer

Vitalija Rogovska
Vitalija Rogovska

Data Administration Specialist, „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“

Ashwin Roy
Ashwin Roy

Non-Executive Partner-Consultant, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Giedrius Rupeika
Giedrius Rupeika

Analyst, „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“

Martynas Samulionis
Martynas Samulionis

Fund Managing Partner, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Gabrielė Siriūnaitė
Gabrielė Siriūnaitė


Viktorija Girdvainė
Viktorija Girdvainė

Fund Operations Manager`s Assistant, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Agnė Stančikaitė
Agnė Stančikaitė

Accountant of Alternative Funds

Julija Stoškutė
Julija Stoškutė

Product Manager

Jelizaveta Šablovskaja
Jelizaveta Šablovskaja

Head of Fund Coordination

Rita Šapolė
Rita Šapolė

Data Administration Specialist, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Eglė Šlepavičienė
Eglė Šlepavičienė

Senior Investment Accountant

Božena Šulskė
Božena Šulskė

Project Manager, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Asta Tamošauskė
Asta Tamošauskė

Project Coordinator

Linas Tomkevičius
Linas Tomkevičius

Fund Partner, „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“

Kazimieras Tonkūnas
Kazimieras Tonkūnas

Managing Partner, „INVL Technology“

Vida Tonkūnė
Vida Tonkūnė

Partner, „INVL Technology“

Edita Trepekienė
Edita Trepekienė

Chief Accountant

Paulius Uziela
Paulius Uziela

Investment Manager, „INVL Bridge Finance“

Agnė Vainauskienė
Agnė Vainauskienė

Head of Corporate Accounting

Viktorija Vaitkevičienė
Viktorija Vaitkevičienė

Managing Partner of the Private Debt Fund, „INVL Bridge Finance“

Vidas Venckus
Vidas Venckus

Fund Partner, „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund“

Daiva Vengrytė
Daiva Vengrytė

Data Protection Officer

Dominykas Viliūnas
Dominykas Viliūnas

Investment Manager, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Inita Vilka
Inita Vilka

Farmland Manager, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Algirdas Vilutis
Algirdas Vilutis

Investment Analyst

Aušra Zabitė
Aušra Zabitė

Senior Accountant of Alternative Funds

Agnė Žėglevičiūtė
Agnė Žėglevičiūtė

Forester, „INVL Sustainable Timberland and Farmland Fund II“

Virginija Žygienė
Virginija Žygienė

Head of Communications